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Declaration about Accessibility

This web presentation takes into account accessibility and barrier-free access according to the normally recognised principles and rules of creation of an accessible web and instructions prepared for the purposes of the amendment to the Act no. 365/2000 Coll., about information systems of public administration.

The presentation is created according to the specifications given out by the consortium W3C according to the used language HTML 4 Transitional, HTML 5 or XHTML 1.1 Transitional and it observes the syntactic and semantic correctness.
The content is completely separated from the style by means of cascade styles. The presentation can also be used on other output devices (cellulars, voice readers etc.).
Some additional information (especially documents for download) are available on these pages in a different format, most often PDF. To view the documents in this format, you must have the following browser installed Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded for free on the pages of the company Adobe inc., or another program able to display the PDF format.
Some additional or multimedia functions of this web may be created by the technology Adobe Flash and they may require browser accessories to be installed, like Adobe Flash Player, which can be downloaded for free on the pages of the company Adobe inc.

For complete functioning of these web pages, you must have JavaScript supported and enabled in your browser.
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Do not overlook
Veletrh Ambiente 2025
Ve dnech 7. - 11.2.2025 se zúčastníme největšího světového veletrhu spotřebního zboží a designu Ambiente 2025 ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem.
Free production capacity
Dřevotvar družstvo offers production capacities for B2B production of wooden legs for furniture and wooden sticks for cots.
Assortment of kitchen utensils
We offer a brand assortment of kitchen cookware with original design, with a guaranteed quality from the Czech manufacturer. For more information about the offered assortment, view the catalog.
Photogallery of our production
Dřevotvar družstvo
Slezská 535
Jablonné nad Orlicí
561 64
Czech Republic
+420 465 677 111
You can find us on YouTube!
The company Dřevotvar družstvo was founded in 1951 by small craftsmen, who united their abilities and enthusiasm. During years, it developed, modernised and today it is a prosperous company, which sells its products to the entire world.
evropska unie
Company Dřevotvar furniture shops
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