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Terms and Conditions of Use of the Pages

Provider of these web pages Dřevotvar cooperative, furniture, living rooms, bedrooms, lounge suits, chairs (hereinafter just Pages) is the company Dřevotvar cooperative (hereinafter just Provider), which is, in compliance with the Act no. 121/2000 Coll., Copyright (hereinafter just Copyright) entitled to perform ownership rights to these web pages. Copying of any part of the content, appearance or source or programming code of these Pages is prohibited without the previous consent of the Provider.

The Provider thereby issues the conditions and terms of use of these Pages (hereinafter just Conditions). These Conditions are related to all persons, who intend to use the Pages.

Ii is prohibited to interfere in any way in the technical nature or content of the Pages without the consent of the Provider. Only the Provider is entitled to decide about a change, removal or addition of any part of the Pages.

Some of the information published on the Pages have been taken over from other sources considered trustworthy by the Provider. Nevertheless, the Provider is not liable in any way for the correctness and updating of all published information.

All information published on these pages are intended only for informative purposes.

These Conditions can only be changed or modified by the Provider. Legal relations that arose between the Provider and user of these Pages before change or cancellation of the Conditions are governed by the version of the Conditions valid at the date when the legal relationship was established.

The Conditions were published on 19. 12. 2012 and they are in effect since this date.
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Veletrh Ambiente 2025
Ve dnech 7. - 11.2.2025 se zúčastníme největšího světového veletrhu spotřebního zboží a designu Ambiente 2025 ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem.
Free production capacity
Dřevotvar družstvo offers production capacities for B2B production of wooden legs for furniture and wooden sticks for cots.
Assortment of kitchen utensils
We offer a brand assortment of kitchen cookware with original design, with a guaranteed quality from the Czech manufacturer. For more information about the offered assortment, view the catalog.
Photogallery of our production
Dřevotvar družstvo
Slezská 535
Jablonné nad Orlicí
561 64
Czech Republic
+420 465 677 111
You can find us on YouTube!
The company Dřevotvar družstvo was founded in 1951 by small craftsmen, who united their abilities and enthusiasm. During years, it developed, modernised and today it is a prosperous company, which sells its products to the entire world.
evropska unie
Company Dřevotvar furniture shops
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